Church Consulting
Is your church is looking to be more effective in Discipleship, Leadership, or Mission? If so, Rod would love to work with you. Click here for more details: Consulting, Training, Development
Sermon on Jonah. (Audio from the Room).
Quote from Uncovered
Interested? Check out the rest of the book: Uncovered, by Rod Tucker
A friend of mine told me an old cliche today that gave me an epiphany. He said “It takes two to tango.” And it’s true. It does. How many times have you been in some kind of a conflict with another person and thought: “I’m the healthy one. I just wish they would get healthy!”? The next time that happens …
Mirror Room
A retired football coach, Frosty Westering, wrote a book years ago that everyone needs to read. Unfortunately, it is a collector’s item, and you need to have around $40 to get a copy. In the book he talks about the difference between the Mirror Room and the Window Room. Essentially, when you are in the mirror room you can only …
Learn To Fly
Have you ever watched a bird fly? I mean really watched? Birds are made to fly. That is what makes watching them fly so amazing. They are doing what they were created to do. Profound. Exhilarating. Wow. But did you know birds have to learn to fly? I know you knew this fact. But have you really thought about it? …
Johny Hendricks
Have you ever heard the name Johnny Hendricks? He is a Mixed Martial Artist. He is a good one, and recently he fought for the championship belt in his weight class. If he were to have won the belt, he would have been classified as the best fighter in the world at his weight. I watched the championship fight. It …
Here is an awesome quote from my favorite author, Brian Zahnd. Enjoy! “To be born in America is to be handed a certain script. We are largely unconscious of the script, but we are ‘scripted’ by it nevertheless. The American script is part of our nurture and education, and most of it happens without our knowing it. The dominant American …
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17 When we are being overwhelmed by God’s Spirit we are typically only concerned about what The Spirit is doing in those moments. This, I believe, creates freedom. Freedom from everything else going on in our lives. Freedom from the lies …
Life-on-Life Discipleship
Here are some great Life-on-Life Discipleship Tips. Enjoy! Rod
On Worship
When Israel was finally freed from the iron grip of Egyptian slavery, they got out of there pretty quickly before the Pharaoh had any time to change his mind . Exodus 12 tells us that these newly freed people did not even wait for the yeast to make their bread rise. Instead, they quickly packed and headed out. And then …
Tough Conversations
My wife, Anna, and I are planting a church. Actually it is a site plant of another church, and we love it. Here is what we have: 1. We have excitement about what we are doing. 2. We have a desire to reach people for Jesus. 3. We have mentors who have gone before us. And . . . 4. …
God’s Voice vs. Lies
It is important that we learn to recognize God’s voice versus lies. Sometimes we can discern what we are hearing by recognizing what is going on internally. One important thing we can do to help ourselves discern what we hear [in our minds(maybe from God), and from others] is to establish some principles of when God speaks and when we …
“A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell.” ~ C. S. Lewis God is God. And God is to be worshiped. May we take part in reveling in His luminosity.
Fishing in Bible times looked like this: 1. One boat would cast a large net all the way to the bottom of a lake. 2. This large net trapped fish so that a smaller net could bring them in. 3. This fishing all occurred on ONE side of the boat. So in John 21:6 Jesus tells his disciples to cast …
No Longer Estranged
2 Samuel 14:14 But God does not take away life; instead, he devises ways so that a banished person may not remain estranged from him. Have you ever noticed that God is devising ways for people to not stay far away from him? He is doing it all of the time. Think about Moses being led by God to lead …
The Fall
In Genesis 3 Adam hears God in the garden, notices his nakedness, becomes afraid, and as a result, hides. I believe we do the exact same thing as Adam. We hear God. We feel insecure about what He calls us toward. And so we hide. Or at least we reinterpret what He is saying to make it easier on us. …
When God Speaks
When we read Gen. 1: 1-2 we begin to see some unique qualities in regard to what happens when God speaks. We notice that God’s response to a big chaotic mess is to speak. He sees something not as He would like it and so God speaks into it, and changes its DNA. When God speaks He brings order. God’s …
When I, Rod, was a child my dad was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. We prayed for him. He went to the doctor. It was gone. I have a friend who had a slipped disc in his back. We prayed for his back. His back was fine. Maybe this was all God’s Kingdom being loosed on earth. I have also prayed …
Little Children
Brennan Manning writes in his book, The Importance of Being Foolish: “To become a little child again (as Jesus enjoined we must) is to recapture a sense of surprise, wonder, and vast delight in all of reality. Look at a child’s face on Christmas morning as he enters the living room transformed by the midnight passage of Santa Claus. Or …
Blessed are the poor…
In Matthew 5:3 Jesus says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. And in Luke 6:20 He is recorded as saying, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” There is something profound about the Kingdom of God or Heaven coming to the poor. I wonder if it is …
Broken to Beautiful
A few weeks ago my wife, Anna, took an old jacket that no one would ever want to wear and made a beautiful scarf out of it. To me this idea was brilliant. She has taken old cans that anyone normal would throw away in a heartbeat and turned them into lovely pencil holders. She has made elaborate wall hangings …
Throughout Scripture and throughout our lives we can see a common thread – there is an Enemy (whether this is called Satan, the Devil, the serpent, etc.) who is fighting against humans. We are the only branch of creation that God made in His image, and this is precisely what makes us human. This leads the Enemy to do everything …
Karl Marx has been credited with saying, “Philosophers have only interpreted the world differently; the point is, however, to change it.” I like to take this statement and change it up a bit. I say, Christians have only interpreted the church differently; the point is, however, to change it. There came a time, in church history, while in the …
Jesus the Prophet?
Matthew 21: 8-11 A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” When Jesus entered …
“Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Won’t she light a lamp and sweep the entire house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she will call in her friends and neighbors and say, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost coin.’ In the same way, there is joy …
Brennan Manning said, “The outstretched arms of Jesus exclude no one, not the drunk in the doorway, the panhandler on the street, gays and lesbians in their isolation, the most selfish and ungrateful in their cocoons, the most unjust of employers and the most overweening of snobs. The love of Christ embraces all without exception.” This statement to me is …
Shut Up and Listen
Let’s talk about Job. Many theologians today argue that the book of Job was the first book ever written in the Bible. I find this incredibly interesting due to the intense focus on pain and suffering in Job’s life. Basically, this book tells the story of a man who is blameless and upright in God’s sight. Satan eventually requests of …
Mechthild of Magdeeurg, a thirteenth-century mystic prayed, “I cannot dance, Lord, unless you lead me. If you want me to leap with abandon, you must intone the song. Then I shall leap into love, from love into knowledge from knowledge to enjoyment, and from enjoyment beyond all human sensations. There I want to remain, yet want also to circle higher …