Is the prototype half built? Is the book half written? Is the project not finished?
My Idea comes alongside you as a whimsical companion and prods you with questions that help flesh out your idea until it is finally finished and ready to go out into the world.
You’ll start by answering big questions that build the foundation of your idea, such as “What is my idea?” and “Whom and how does my idea help?” Next, you’ll zoom in closer to shape and feed your idea more specifically—“When do I want my idea to be finished?” and “Whom do I trust with my rough draft?”
The hand-drawn illustrations will spark your imagination, helping you dream and create again with the childlike fearlessness that has been hiding deep inside you all along. The more you process and prepare with the help of My Idea, the more confidence and strength you’ll find to finally finish your idea and release it into the wild.

Is the prototype half built? Is the book half written? Is the project not finished?
Rod is available for video consultations and some in person as well.